Google’s Priority Hints Improves CWV

Google published an article encouraging developers and publishers to use the new (and experimental) “importance” priority hint attribute which can help improve Core Web Vitals and the user experience.The Chrome browser team shared an…

Metrics in Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics can help you drive more traffic, refine your users’ experience, and track your business goals. But with so much data available in Google Analytics, how do you know which metrics to track?We’ll share some standard…

Google Doesn’t Care What’s In An Image

Google’s web search algorithm doesn’t care what’s in an image. All that matters is it’s marked up with the correct structured data.Whether it’s an award-winning photograph, or a blank square, it’s all the same in terms of the SEO value it…

Daily SEO Fix: SEO Reporting Basics

A crucial aspect of improving your SEO performance is reporting. By reporting on what you’ve done, you can analyze the data you’ve collected, and learn from it.  In this Daily Fix series, we’ll show you how to create clear, insightful…

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